Many years ago, my Grandmother’s spiritual covering/Apostle Mary Medlock received a word from God that the Mantle would be one day passed down from her to me. I thought to myself Nah!! Not me. Through the process of accepting the Mantle, I questioned why God had chosen me and I would hear him saying clearly “why not you?”. I heard a sermon by Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts titled “Break the flow”, which gave me more confirmation that I needed to accept the Mantle has fallen.  

It was then when I realized that my gifts and his glory could collide. Mantle Clothing Store was birthed from my passion for fashion and love for God. I knew I needed to step in a way, where God could give me clarity on the Mantle and how to utilize the gift that he had imbedded in me, to reach a generation that desire a relationship with him.

Our foundation is Prayer! 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Never stop Praying (NLT). My prayer is that my faith-based clothing line will remind people all around the world, that prayer still works.